


2016年3月30日 00時00分

21.Nakanishi M, Nakashima T, Shindo Y, Niimura J, Nishida A (2016) Japanese care location and medical procedures for people with dementia in the last month of life. J Alzheimers Dis, 51(3):747-755.

doi: 10.3233/JAD-150898


2016年3月11日 00時00分

20.Yamasaki S, Ando S, Shimodera S, Endo K, Okazaki Y, Asukai N, Usami S, Nishida A, Sasaki T (2016) The recognition of mental illness, schizophrenia identification, and help seeking from friends in late adolescence. PLoS One, 11: e0151298. (*joint first authors) 

doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0151298

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2016年2月23日 00時00分

19.Brouwers EP, Mathijssen J, Bortel TV, Knifton L, Wahlbeck K, Audenhove CV, Kadri N, Chang Ch, Goud BR, Ballester D, Tofoli LF, Bello R, Jorge-Monteiro MF, Zaske H, Milacic I, Ucok A, Bonetto C, Lasalvia A, Thornicroft G, Van Weeghel J; ASPEN/INDIGO Study Group (Ando S) (2016) Discrimination in the workplace, reported by people with major depressive disorder: a cross-sectional study in 35 countries. BMJ Open, 23;6(2):e009961.

doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2015-009961

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2016年2月15日 00時00分

18.Nakanishi M, Miyamoto Y (2016) Palliative care for advanced dementia in Japan: knowledge and attitudes. Br J Nurs, 25:146-155. 

doi: 10.12968/bjon.2016.25.3.146


2016年1月17日 00時00分

17.Nishida A, Richards M, Stafford M (2016) Prospective associations between adolescent mental health problems and positive mental wellbeing in early old age. Child Adolesc Psychiatry Ment Health, 10:e12.

doi: 10.1186/s13034-016-0099-2

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2016年1月16日 00時00分

16.Ando S, Koike S, Shimodera S, Fujito R, Sawada K, Terao T, Furukawa TA, Sasaki T, Inoue S, Asukai N, Okazaki Y, Nishida A (2017) Lithium Levels in Tap Water and the Mental Health Problems of Adolescents: An Individual-Level Cross-Sectional Survey. J Clin Psychiatry, 78:e252-e256.

doi: 10.4088/JCP.15m10220

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2016年1月15日 00時00分

15.Ojio Y, Nishida A, Shimodera S, Togo F, Sasaki T (2016) Sleep duration associated with the lowest risk of depression/anxiety in adolescents. Sleep, 39:1555-62.

doi: 10.5665/sleep.6020

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2016年1月14日 00時00分

14.Yamasaki S, Ando S, Koike S, Usami S, Endo K, French P, Sasaki T, Furukawa TA, Hiraiwa-Hasegawa M, Kasai K, Nishida A (2016) Dissociation mediates the relationship between peer victimization and hallucinatory experiences among early adolescents. Schizophr Res Cogn, 4:18-23. doi: 10.1016/j.scog.2016.04.001

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2016年1月13日 00時00分

13.Kanata S, Koike S, Ando S, Nishida A, Usami S, Yamasaki S, Morimoto Y, Toriyama R, Fujikawa S, Sugimoto N, Sasaki T, Furukawa TA, Hiraiwa-Hasegawa M, Kasai K (2016) Enuresis and hyperactivity-inattention in early adolescence: Findings from a population-based survey in Tokyo (Tokyo Early Adolescence Survey). PLoS One, 11:e0158786.

doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0158786

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2016年1月12日 00時00分

12.Fujikawa S, Ando S, Shimodera S, Koike S, Usami S, Toriyama R, Kanata S, Sasaki T, Kasai K, Okazaki Y, Nishida A (2016) The Association of Current Violence from Adult Family Members with Adolescent Bullying Involvement and Suicidal Feelings. PLoS One, 11(10):e0163707.

doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0163707

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2016年1月11日 00時00分

11.Nishida A, Cadar D, Xu M K, Croudace T, Jones P, Kuh D, Richards M, MRC National Survey of Health and Development scientific and data collection team (2016) Adolescent self-organisation and adult smoking and drinking over fifty years of follow-up: the British 1946 birth cohort. PLoS One, 11(1): e0146731.

doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0146731

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2016年1月11日 00時00分

10.Kanehara A, Ando S, Araki T, Usami S, Kuwabara H, Kano Y, Kasai K (2016) Trends in psychological distress and alcoholism after The Great East Japan Earthquake of 2011. SSM Popul Health, 2:807-812.

doi: 10.1016/j.ssmph.2016.10.010

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2016年1月10日 00時00分

9.Koike S, Yamaguchi S, Ojio Y, Ohta K, Ando S (2016) Effect of Name Change of Schizophrenia on Mass Media Between 1985 and 2013 in Japan: A Text Data Mining Analysis. Schizophr Bull, 42: 552-9. doi: 10.1093/schbul/sbv159

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2016年1月8日 00時00分

8.Ando S, Kuwabara H, Araki T, Kanehara A, Tanaka S, Morishima R, Kondo S, Kasai K (2017) Mental Health Problems in a Community After the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011: A Systematic Review. Harv Rev Psychiatry, 25:15-28.

doi: 10.1097/HRP.0000000000000124


2016年1月7日 00時00分

7.Aoki Y, Yamaguchi S, Ando S, Sasaki N, Bernick PJ, Akiyama T (2016) The experience of electroconvulsive therapy and its impact on associated stigma: A meta-analysis. Int J Soc Psychiatry, 62:708-718.

doi: 10.1177/0020764016675379


2016年1月6日 00時00分

6.Niimura J, Tanoue M, Nakanishi M (2016) Challenges following discharge from acute psychiatric inpatient care in Japan: patients’ perspectives. J Psychiatr Ment Health Nurs, 23:576-584.

doi: 10.1111/jpm.12341


2016年1月5日 00時00分

5.Tsutsui T, Tanaka H, Nishida A, Asukai N (2017) Posttraumatic stress symptoms as predictive of prognosis after acute coronary syndrome. Gen Hosp Psychiatry, 45:56-61.

doi: 10.1016/j.genhosppsych.2016.11.005


2016年1月2日 00時00分

4.Nakanishi M, Niimura J, Endo K, Nishida A (2016) Regional supply of nursing home and hospital beds determine discharge destination of nursing home residents in Japan. J Am Med Dir Assoc 17(7), 672.e1–672.e5.



2016年1月1日 00時00分

1.新村順子,宮崎美砂子,石丸美奈(2016)精神障害者の個別支援における保健師が感じる困難とその対処―精神保健福祉業務の経験年数による比較―. 日本地域看護学会誌 19(1):55-62

doi: 10.20746/jachn.19.1_55

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2016年1月1日 00時00分

3.Tochigi M, Usami S, Matamura M, Kitagawa Y, Fukushima M, Yonehara H, Togo F, Nishida A, Sasaki T (2016) Annual longitudinal survey at up to five time points reveals reciprocal effects of bedtime delay and depression/anxiety in adolescents. Sleep Med, 17:81-6.



2016年1月1日 00時00分

2.Nakanishi M, Shindo Y, Niimura J (2016) Discharge destination of dementia patients who undergo intermediate care at a facility. J Am Med Dir Assoc, 17:92.e1-92.e7. 

doi: 10.1016/j.jamda.2015.10.018